Stream of Consciousness Thanks

November 24, 2011 § Leave a comment

Thankful for (and/or that):

1.  Activist kids
2.  Activist courts
3.  Calvin & Hobbes, a comic that always conveys the right perspective, makes me laugh, makes me wish I had a kid like Calvin and makes me grateful that I don’t have a kid like Calvin
4.  a 5-year-old nephew who conducts Mozart concertos
5.  That as E begins to study the Holocaust and I continue my own studies of it, that I was born where I was, when I was and what I was
6.   Catonsville
7.  Manhattan
8.  Brooklyn
9.   Berger cookies
10.  People who keep me company online and in person
11.  Deusenberg’s oatmeal
12.  my kids, who still make me melt
13.  my husband, who still makes me melt
14.  my parents, who keep me honest
15.  my sister, who I will later this afternoon, beat the crap out of in a game of jacks
16.  Tina
17.  Bruce Catton books
18.  Plumbers
19.  heated arguments about religion, politics, parenting, education, and Edward v. Jacob
20.  The Ravens
21.  The Mets
22.  The Orioles
23.  my capacity to still love #21 and #22 mentioned above, despite their pathetic records
24.  high school friendships renewed
25.  lifelong friends who have the nerve to live in Cali when I’d much rather them live in Baltimore
26.  neighbors who feed the cats
27.  many, many banana daquiris to help me cope with the fact that I can’t watch the Ravens game tonight
28.  cousins
29.  music, from Michael Jackson to Bernstein to Bach
30.  Gym friends
31.  everyone who will forgive me for anything or anyone I have neglected to mention

Not necessarily in that order.

Abundant thanks and deep gratitude for all of the above, family, friends, heroes, books and pizza.

Feel free to add to the list, and have a fantastic holiday, everyone!!!!!


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